[CS] Instruction Set Completeness
To be Completeness . . .
→ A computer should have a set of instructions so that the user can construct machine language programs to evaluate any function that is known to be computable.
① - Arithmetic / Logical
② - Data transfor (including I/O)
③ - Contorl Tranfer
① Arithmetic / Logical
→ Modify Data value
1) Integer arithmetic operations
+, -, *, %, ++, -- etc.
Note - 1) What are the essential elements?
→ ADD and Compliment
(Sub, 1+(-1)
Mul, 2+2+2
Div, use subtraction)
Note - 2) How to use floating point arithmetic operation
→ F.P. operations can be emulated by integer operations.
2) Logical operations
AND (&&)
True and Trud -> True
True and False -> False
False and True -> False
False and False -> False
OR (||)
True and Trud -> True
True and False -> True
False and True -> True
False and False -> False
Bitwise AND(&)
Bitwise OR (|)
Note) Smallest set ?
case 1 - AND and NOT
case 2 - OR and NOT
3) Shift instructions
Logic shift, Arithmetic shift, Rotate
Decide which bits to fill in the square.
Logic shift -> 0
Rotate -> overflow number
4) Floating point arithmetic operations
② Data transfor (including I/O)
→ Copy Data from one place to another
1) Load
Memory to register
2) Store
Resiter to memory
3) Move
Copy from register to register
4) Special instructions
Betwwen I/O Device and processor
Note) Memory mapped I/O
Instead of creating a new instruction, it allocates an address space in memory to the I/O device.
③ Contorl Tranfer
→ Jump or Branch
1) conditional branch instruction
Ex) BEQ A, B, C
2) Unconditional branch instruction
Ex) Jump A
3) Subroutine calls and returns instructions
4) Software interrupt instructions
(Hardware interrupts)
5) Halt instructions to stop
Ex) int main() { }
Note) Instruction Orthogonality - Instructions are orthogonal if they do not overlap, or perform same function